Givology Staff's Blog

20 Facts: Women’s Education around the World

20 Facts: Women’s Education around the World
There are many people today who are unaware of the importance of a woman’s education. Often, the public tend to neglect the evident facts. These shocking statistics will hopefully encourage everyone to reach out and take action. Together, we can make a difference!


1. 19 million more children enrolled in school between 2002 and 2008 in over 40 developing countries supported by EFA FTI. 54% of those children were girls, proving that girls are at last catching up with boys.

2. In African FTI countries, 62% of children entering school for the first time were girls.

3. More than two thirds of girls completed the last grade of primary school in all FTI countries in 2008, compared to only 52 percent in 2000.

4. Ethiopia: By applying an education sector plan with affirmative action towards girls, the country went from a girls’ enrolment rate in primary education of 40% in 1999 to 92 percent in 2008.

5. Burkina Faso: the government managed to change the label of girls’ education from ‘worrisome’ to ‘progress’ within a couple of years. The number of girls enrolled in school increased 73% between 2002 and 2008, and increasing numbers of girls are continuing onto secondary school.

6. The most common intervention to support girls’ education highlighted in the report is the mobilization of communities to send girls to school. Engaging with media and religious leaders helped to convince parents of the importance of girls’ education.

7. Targeted financial support for girls, to cover for school fees and textbook costs, was also important to keep girls in the classroom.

8. The creation of school health and feeding programs was especially effective in preventing girls from dropping out.

9. There are 170 million children across the world that do not attend school.. and of those children, 70 % are girls.

10. It is estimated that, of those girls who are enrolled at school, 100 million will drop out of school before they even complete their primary school education

11. In developing countries, 1 girl out of 7 will marry before they turn 15 and 38% will marry before they are 18.

12. Almost 50% of girls become mothers before the age of 18.

13. Pregnancy is the leading cause of death of girls between the ages of 15 – 19 worldwide.

14. Of the youth infected with HIV/Aids in Africa, 75% are girls.

15. Research has shown a consistent relationship between better infant and child care and a higher level of schooling among mothers.

16. When women and girls receive an income, they re-invest 90% of their income into their families, as opposed to 30-40% for men.

17. Educated girls grow into educated women, who – research shows – have healthier babies and are more likely to educate their children.

18. When a girl in the developing world receives an education, she marries four years later and has 2.2 fewer children.

19. In Peru, the proportion of school-age children enrolled in secondary school is 9 percent higher for boys than for girls. In rural areas this figure climbs to 17 percent.

20. A 10 to 20 percent increase in women’s wages is associated with each additional year of schooling.

The facts are provided by:

The Rockstar Foundation: [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url]
The Rockstar Foundation is about love, education and empowering the young women of tomorrow through proper educational opportunities.

Global Partnership for Education: [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url]
Global Partnership for Education provides education to the poorest and most vulnerable children around the world.

USAID From the American People: [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url]
The U.S Agency for International Development

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