Givology Staff's Blog

Bridging the Gap: Internet and Education in Developing Countries

[b]Bridging the Gap: [/b]
[b]Internet and Education in Developing Countries[/b]

It has become a widely accepted philosophy that education is fundamental to the alleviation of poverty and the fastest way to connect people in the developing countries to educational sources is via the Internet. These hi-tech growths that have taken place in developed countries are the link that if utilized properly could provide the developing nations with the means to break the barriers of poverty and advance both socially and economically. Therefore it is imperative for the technologically advanced and developed world to make the influx of Internet based education available to those in the developing world. With the start of [url=]Coursera[/url] in April 2012 and other online educational formats like [url=]Skype in the classroom[/url] made available, not to mention the vast information accessible on the Internet the opportunities for education would become unhindered by broad access.

The first step to bridging the gap lies in providing adequate infrastructure in developing countries to sustain the delivery of Internet based technology and education formats. Although advances have been made in the developing world to provide limited Internet access through systems such as mobile devices to supplant conventional computers there are inadequacies that include memory, speed, content accessibility, network formats, information browsing, and content design. The need lies in providing not only dial up access to all developing states but also creating an infrastructure that can provide faster and more reliable connections to not only the cities, but also the villages.

It has been shown that when regions, countries and communities are given availability to Internet based information that their knowledge provides both small-scale growth and the stepping-stones towards future economic development and advancement. While we all take easy access to the Internet for granted, the impoverished have little knowledge of its capabilities. If provided to the impecunious technology can be the “Trojan horse” that breaks the cycle of poverty and bridges the gap between the developed and undeveloped countries.

Givology projects such as expanding the [url=]La Vallee Community Library[/url] in Haiti to attain computer access for the 62 rural schools it supports and providing 200 students [url=]Computer Training for the High School of Tori Agou[/url] in Benin are building blocks to bridge the educational experience between the developed and underdeveloped worlds. These steps are among many synergized in the effort to alleviate the constraints that poor infrastructure cause. It is through these increments that we will be able to lead by example displaying how small changes shape and impact the cause for universal education and the endgame of conquering poverty.

[b][i]For more information:[/i][/b]
[url=]The Impact of the Internet on Developing Countries[/url]
[url=]Mobile Leapfrogging and Digital Divide Policy[/url]
[b][i]To Donate to a Student or Project:[/i][/b]
[url=]GIV Now[/url]

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