Kristy Liao's Blog

Featured Project: Educate Congolese Kids Born of Rape (Kiliba Sucki)

It’s officially one more day until International Women’s Day! The UN’s 2014 theme is “[url=]equality for women is progress for all[/url].” Women’s empowerment is a truly incredible catalyst for social and economic development. At Givology, we believe that education is the greatest form of empowerment.
Congolese children born of rape are often denied an education and stigmatized for life. One of our partner organizations, [url=]AMCAV[/url], is working on a fundraising project to [url=]help fifty disadvantaged children[/url] (most of whom were born of rape) afford an education at the Elimu Bora Complex in South Kivu. Currently, we need $950 to cover tuition costs, school supplies, and transportation for these students!
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), violence against women is a tremendous and ongoing problem. The DRC has been infamously labeled as the rape capital of the world. Since 1998, [url=]more than 200,000 women[/url] have been sexually assaulted in the DRC – with [url=]over 8,000[/url] in 2009 alone. Because of the 2012 increase in rebel militia activity, the number of sexual violence cases against women and girls has risen dramatically.
AMCAV’s primary goal is to actively help female rape victims and their children. Since its establishment in 1999, AMCAV has been educating girls about their rights, managing listening houses, providing counseling services, and improving the general quality of life for women in the DRC. To honor International Women’s Day tomorrow, donate to AMCAV’s project and help stigmatized children of rape attend primary school for the first time!

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