Givology Donation

Raised : $10 Goal : $0
Givology Donation


Support Givology

Since we are 100% volunteer-run and we do not take anything from donations, we depend on supporters like you to help our organization grow.

Individual student scholarships change lives. Our students share a common dream of finishing school and aspiring for a better life.

We curate high-impact grassroots education projects. Our partners define their most urgent priorities for funding.


Avani Fachon

Chief Information Officer & Social Media Director

Joyce Meng is a co-founder and CEO of Givology. She’s very passionate about education, traveling, impact evaluation, and data analysis in philanthropy. She is a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a MSc in Development Economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Every day, she’s completely inspired by her Givology team and their creative ideas to raise awareness and get people engaged with making a difference! Her personal website is In her spare time, she plays ice hockey and takes long walks in New York City.

David Cohen

Tech Lead

Joyce Meng is a co-founder and CEO of Givology. She’s very passionate about education, traveling, impact evaluation, and data analysis in philanthropy. She is a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a MSc in Development Economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Every day, she’s completely inspired by her Givology team and their creative ideas to raise awareness and get people engaged with making a difference! Her personal website is In her spare time, she plays ice hockey and takes long walks in New York City.

Philip Gavlan

Chief Information Officer & Social Media Director

Joyce Meng is a co-founder and CEO of Givology. She’s very passionate about education, traveling, impact evaluation, and data analysis in philanthropy. She is a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a MSc in Development Economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Every day, she’s completely inspired by her Givology team and their creative ideas to raise awareness and get people engaged with making a difference! Her personal website is In her spare time, she plays ice hockey and takes long walks in New York City.

Jennifer Chen

Co-Founder and President

Joyce Meng is a co-founder and CEO of Givology. She’s very passionate about education, traveling, impact evaluation, and data analysis in philanthropy. She is a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a MSc in Development Economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Every day, she’s completely inspired by her Givology team and their creative ideas to raise awareness and get people engaged with making a difference! Her personal website is In her spare time, she plays ice hockey and takes long walks in New York City.

Joyce Meng

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Joyce Meng is a co-founder and CEO of Givology. She’s very passionate about education, traveling, impact evaluation, and data analysis in philanthropy. She is a Rhodes Scholar, receiving a MSc in Development Economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University. Every day, she’s completely inspired by her Givology team and their creative ideas to raise awareness and get people engaged with making a difference! Her personal website is In her spare time, she plays ice hockey and takes long walks in New York City.