Make an impact on kids around the world.

Podcasts on Spotify

Givology has always had our podcast series up on SoundCloud and Apple iTunes, but we recently moved all our historical episodes to Spotify, which should hopefully enable ease of access and listening.

Givology Impact Series

The Givology Impact Podcast series involves interviews with thought leaders within philanthropy to inspire action and giving. The format we use is a ~20-30 minute Q&A that delves into the story behind the organization, mission, impact created, and the big challenges/opportunities for the future. We focus on theory of change, inspiration behind giving, measurement of impact, futures areas of development, current challenges, and a call to action. 

If you are interested in participating or know of an organization you think would be worthwhile to highlight, please contact us! We are always eager to share the stories of innovative grassroots organizations around the world and their creation of impact.


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