Primary Education Program's Blog

Skip Peru Assessment Program

Givology supports Skip Peru's vigorous focus on obtaining data and monitoring child performance. Below is an excerpt of their evaluation criteria.

Skip Primary Program

Objective: In order to evaluate students progress in the primary program two sets of assessments, reading and math, will be given to students twice a year.

Materials: All assessment material listed below can be found in the Primary Assessment Binder. Each assessment has a given sheet on which students record their responses.

Process of Assessment:
1. Assessments are completed at the beginning and end of each term.
2. Teachers grade student assessments and record data for each student.
3. Data is recorded in Primary Assessments Binder on class list labeled ‘Assessment Evidence.’

Reading Level:
A Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) will be completed for each student twice a year in order to evaluate students reading level. Specific information and procedures for this assessment are in the Primary Assessment Binder.

Reading Comprehension:
Students will listen to a group read aloud of a story. They will then orally retell or write a one-paragraph summary of the story. Student’s work will be evaluated on a 1-4 scale. Students will receive a grade based on their comprehension abilities.

Students will complete a math evaluation with questions ranging from basic to more advanced.


Basic 1:
1. Alphabet Knowledge: Students will write the letter of the alphabet in order.

2. Letter Dictation: Teacher will dictate a letter of the alphabet and students will record their response.

3. Word Knowledge Test: The child is asked to read a list of words in isolation. These words are a collection of frequently used words.

Basic 2:
1. Developmental Reading Assessment: Teachers will use the DRA to evaluate student reading level. Teacher will determine the child’s instructional reading level and record this child’s reading level (A-Z). For DRA procedures see document: DRA Process

2. Comprehension Assessment: After student has completed reading of the text a teacher should ask the child to explain in as much detail as possible what happened in the text. The child’s oral retell should be recorded (in shorthand) on the Guided Reading Sheet.

Oral Comprehension Grade: Students should be evaluated on a 1-4 scale. 4=best
Grading: Teachers should take into account:

1. Does the summary contain knowledge of the story and main idea?
2. Are events accurately reported?
3. Does sequence of events in the summary match the text?
4. Is there evidence of structures such as beginning, middle and end of story?
5. Is there a presence of elements such as characters and setting?
6. Use of detail?

1. Developmental Reading Assessment: Teachers will use the DRA to evaluate student reading level. Teacher will determine the child’s instructional reading level and record this child’s reading level (A-Z). For DRA procedures see document: DRA Process

2. Written Comprehension Assessment: Teacher reads aloud a story. Students are then asked to write a summary paragraph detailing what occurred in the story.
Written Comprehension Grade: Students should be evaluated on a 1-4 scale. 4=best
Grading: Teachers should take into account:

1. Does the summary contain knowledge of the story and main idea?
2. Are events accurately reported?
3. Does sequence of events in the summary match the text?
4. Is there evidence of structures such as beginning, middle and end of story?
5. Is there a presence of elements such as characters and setting?
6. Use of detail?

Skip Primary Program

Objective: The developmental Reading assessment is used to determine a child’s instructional reading level.

Running Record: A running record is a documentation of a child’s actual reading of a text. The running records provide a means to appropriately assess what level (A-Z) a child comfortably reads at. The results from the running record inform the results for the DRA.

Process for Running Record:
1. Teacher sits beside the child while he/she reads the text aloud.
2. The teacher listens to the child as he/she reads and marks on a separate paper (Running Record Sheet) number of words correct, number of incorrect words.
3. Teacher Coding on Running Record Sheet: Check marks (?) are made for words read correctly or those that are self-corrected by the child. A dash (?) is made if students:
a. Substitute one words for another
b. Omit a word
c. Is unable to make an attempt to read the word

Determining Reading Level Results:
1. To determine the accuracy rate: Subtract the number of errors from words correct, divide by the number of words, and multiply it by 100.

2. Indicate on the Running Record Sheet whether the text is: Hard, Instructional, Easy.

3. When you have found a level that is Instructional for the child you have then determined their current reading level.

Below 90%= Hard
90-94%= Instructional
95-100%= Easy

4. The instructional level that the child is reading at should then be recorded in the Primary Assessment Data binder under that child’s name.

5. The form should be filed under appropriate class section in the Primary Assessment Binder.

Below are additional photos of the classrooms:

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