Yonglin Xiao (肖用林)'s Blog

"Perhaps the scariest thing in this world is if a person doesn’t have support from others."

Below is a letter from Yonglin to one of the Givology supporters who messaged him. As you can see, Givology students really love getting letters from Givology supporters all over the world. Please message Yonglin to show your continued support!


Dear Emily Kopcik:

My name is Yonglin Xiao, I am very happy to get letters from you. How are you doing so far?

From your last letter I learned that if a person doesn’t have a goal, then he would be lost in the future. I am currently studying in Xiyuan Ethnic Minorities High school. I have always thought that knowledge can change a person’s life. I also always make myself plans for the future and keep them in my mind. After facing many troubles and doing alot of hard work, I am still somewhat far from my goal. I thought about quitting once, but I know it would be terrible if I gave up working and the result would really be unimaginable. I am still searching for a path on the “knowledge road” in order to reach my dream. I truly believe a person can achieve everything if he works hard enough.

I am happy to hear about your dream, and I also have my own college dream like you. But I only hope that I can work hard and achieve my college dream. At the same time I also hope you can achieve your dream and don’t leave any regrets behind.

Perhaps the scariest thing in this world is if a person doesn’t have support from others. Actually letters of support is a kind of love and also happiness. Since I have your support, I really feel the warmth from you. Because of your support, I am no longer lonely. My life is now much more colorful and beautiful. I also hope you can have a great day every day!

Best wishes,

Yonglin Xiao

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