Maasai Girls Life Skills Development Program's Blog

December 2018 Update

The Life Skills Training Program that our Maasai girls attended offered five days full of important and useful experience to them. The program provided instructions on and space to practice using the important skills required to succeed in today’s world. After the program, our girls were fully equipped with skills to thrive. The topics covered in the workshop were relevant and required for anyone who wants to fit in today’s world. The girls were exposed to many useful topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, dream mapping, financial education, HIV/AIDs and reproductive health. Many people in the Maasai culture lack knowledge about these topics, and this program has ensured that our girls received an education on these essential life skills.
In the program evaluations completed at the close, many of our girls expressed how the life skills program opened their eyes on how they can make significant improvements in their lives.
This December, 2018, many of these Maasai girls will also be attending Phase 2 of the Life Skills Training Program.

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