Yao Cheng (成瑶)'s Blog

Update from Cheng Yao: September 2010

Below is an update from Cheng Yao. Please message her back to show your continued support!


Dear Uncles and Aunties at Givology:

Hello! It was great to receive your financial aid this rainy fall. When my teacher told me you sent me money again, I was very excited. Thank you so much! I thank you not only for the money you sent, but also for the concern you’ve shown. Your help was right in time and I don’t know how to express my excitement. I only want to say: “thank you, thank you…”

Although I am not “studying without eating or sleeping” like other people do, I am feeling the pressure of 12th grade. Every sentence out of my teacher’s mouth is something related to the Chinese college entrance test. They also keep pushing and encouraging us. My classmates are suddenly much more mature – they have become more logical and level-headed. It’s not even enough to say that they are “hard workers”. While I admit that I have been a lazy person since my childhood, I am doing my best to get rid of that weakness because I am much older now. I should be more careful on things because in the end we must take care of our duties. I study not only because I feel the importance of 12th grade, but also because I get a lot of satisfaction from studying.

I still remember the day my mom called me to talk about my scholarship. She tells me I should write to you more frequently because we all have to be thankful. My mom is highly educated women but she lives a tough life. I don’t just love my mom – I’m also very honored that she is my family. Her talks always make me think a lot. I think I am a really lucky person because I have so many people caring about me, supporting me and give me energy and hope. I have you, my family, my friends and my teachers. My mom tells me she is in another village right now. She didn’t say much but I understand, since now is the time when agricultural products enter the market and she is busier. My mom is not a full time businesswoman because she has “zhou yan” disease. If she places her right hand in cold water often, her right hand will become very numb, so with such a condition it’s hard for her to do a lot of work. Even though my village is far away from the urban area, we do have a train station now. Every day we will have a train stopping by for couple minutes. Therefore once a while we will have some merchants come and buy agricultural goods from us. Sometimes my mom does small business too. Every time when I hear about my mom say she feels she is getting older, I always want to cry. But my mom doesn’t like a daughter that cries, so I have to learn how to be tough.

I don’t know what my future will be, but I will have 100% faith and courage to live because I have your help and support. In the next couple months, I will live and study more logically because I am older now. I cannot let people who care about me worry. I believe my future would be very bright.

Lastly, I want to say: thank you!

Best wishes

Cheng Yao

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