Genna Weiss's Blog

Givology's Countdown Until the Unofficial End of Summer Continues: 20 Days Left

Only 20 days left in the Givology countdown until the unofficial end of summer! With your donation of any size, you can help us reach our goal of fully funding these students before the school year starts!

Day 40 Student: Isaac F.

Isaac is 12 years old and is in the third grade this year with a More than Me scholarship. Isaac lives in Sinkor in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Isaac is a shy boy who enjoys math and spending time with his best friend, James.

Isaac’s father died in 2005, though Isaac is not sure how he died. Isaac’s dad was a driver and when he died, Isaac’s family lost their only source of income. Isaac’s family has never had the money to send Isaac to school.

As of August 17, Isaac is only $250 from having his education fully funded.

Helping Isaac

To learn more about how you can help support Isaac's education, click here.

To learn more about the Givology partner supporting Isaac's education, More than Me, click here.

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