Givology Staff's Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer

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With our busy lives, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, volunteering might be on the bottom of our list of priorities. However, there are many benefits to volunteering. Not only does volunteering help in need of it, but volunteering can benefit you, the volunteer. By volunteering, you can make valuable connections, meet friends that will last for a lifetime, and perhaps advance your career.
Volunteering in person is of course quite difficult with social distancing, but why not consider online volunteering? Online volunteering can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose, especially during this pandemic. Volunteering does not require a large time commitment, even a few hours a week goes a long way to helping those in need. At Givology, we are always in need of fresh volunteers to help continue our mission to fund projects across the globe. Will you take a step and volunteer for us? Here are 5 reasons to volunteer online during this global pandemic.
1. You’re needed!
No work is too small, and even a tiny contribution of time will go a long way to help. Whether its mental, financial, or physical – any contribution to Givology will matter. As a volunteer, you can get directly involved with helping the disadvantaged around the globe, regardless of time commitment.
2. Volunteers are happier and healthier.
Volunteers are have proven to be happier and healthier. Studies have shown volunteers are not mentally healthier, but physically healthier. Older people who volunteer remain physically functional longer, have more robust psychological well-being, and live longer. Health and longevity gains from volunteering come from fulfillment. When you stop thinking about your own problems and focus on others, stress levels are drastically reduced.
3. Volunteering helps you establish strong relationships.
Givology is home a strong team of dedicated staff, interns, and volunteers. Becoming a volunteer allows to you meet an array of diverse people, people who could bring immense value to your life. Working alongside people who feel as strongly as you do about supporting a particular cause creates a path to developing strong relationships with others. Working alongside friends and family can deepen your bonds together.
4. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose.
With practically all of us shuttered at home due to COVID-19, it might feel like, at times, that we are helpless, and nothing can be done. This is far from the truth. Not only do you have a purpose, you can help out a cause, whether that be helping to distribute food around the community or volunteering at Givology. Countries across the world are suffering due to COVID-19 and Givology is here to help.
5. Volunteering is a great way to give back.
As a volunteer, since you aren’t paid, you choose the issues to which you care most about. If you are greatly concerned about the treatment and well-being of animals, for example, volunteering at an animal shelter will help you address a social problem that is meaningful to you. Volunteering is a great way to serve the community, especially during times like these, and who knows? You may find volunteering to bring up benefits you never thought could have existed.

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